Nassau Building Trades Council seeks applicants for apprenticeships in HVAC Electricians
June 3, 2019

The Nassau Building Trades Apprenticeship Council (NBTAC), a group of local contractors, collaborating with the Nassau County Schools Office of Career & Adult Education and the State of Florida’s Apprenticeship Office is now accepting applications for its four-year training programs for Electricians and Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning (HVAC) Technicians.
Apprenticeship combines On-The-Job Training (OJT) with local contractors during the day and Related Technical Instruction (RTI) classes at night. Apprentices are paid during their OJT hours and the RTI classes are free of charge. Apprentices can get 24 hours of college credit for completing their program, and typically can finish a degree at the same time as they complete their apprenticeship.
For applications or additional information about the program please contact NassauApprenticeship@
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