Ulta Cosmetics and Dunkin Donuts coming to Villages of Amelia

November 18, 2015

Stores are scheduled to open in 2016

We are pleased to announce that Ulta Cosmetics and Dunkin’ Donuts will be the two new tenants at the Villages of Amelia, along the growing A1A (SR 200)/Chester Road corridor.  According to representatives for Sleiman Enterprises, owners of the property, an approximate 2,300 square foot Dunkin’ Donuts with a drive-thru is set to be constructed in a new outparcel building, while Ulta Cosmetics will build a 10,000 square foot store next to Ross.

“Our first two tenants at Villages of Amelia were Publix and Kohls and we believe they are very happy with their decision to open stores in the center.  They believed in the potential of the area and ultimately decided to come,” said Robert K. White, Chief Operating Officer for Sleiman Enterprises.  “Ulta ultimately made the decision because they see the opportunity, particularly because of the growth north of the site between A1A (SR 200) and the Georgia line.  Potential tenants like our line up at the center and folks are intrigued by the success of River City Marketplace and see Villages of Amelia as an intercept point.”  Sleiman Enterprises remains very bullish on the potential of Nassau County and will continue to pursue new tenants at this site.

Both stores will open in 2016.