Energizing the Future of Cleantech

Nassau County, FL, is strategically positioned to capitalize on the burgeoning cleantech industry. With direct access to the skilled labor force of the Jacksonville Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA), Nassau County offers a prime opportunity for industry leaders in cleantech to thrive. The county's location and workforce resources make it an ideal hub for innovation and growth in sustainable technologies.


FPL Nassau Solar Energy Center


The FPL Nassau Solar Energy Center, which started operations in 2020, is creating an even brighter future for Nassau County. Florida Power & Light Company (FPL) continues to advance solar cost-effectively while keeping customer bills among the lowest in the nation. The Nassau County Economic Development Board and FPL are proud to have universal solar in Callahan, FL.

FPL has begun construction on a second solar center in Nassau County; Thomas Creek Solar Energy Center. This center will have enough zero-emissions energy to power about 15,000 homes annually, offers 74.5 Megawatts of Clean Energy, and will be situated on 638 acres.

Nassau County offers unparalleled opportunities for cleantech innovation and sustainable growth.