FSCJ Nassau Center Offers Free Financial Skills Academy
February 22, 2016
Florida State College at Jacksonville’s Betty P. Cook Nassau Center will be offering a free Financial Skills Academy. Each course lasts 90 minutes, one evening per week for four weeks. The emphasis of the courses is on practical financial information and development of skills related to earning, spending and investing money. The dates are on four Wednesdays - March 2nd, 9th, 16th and 30th and class begins at 6 p.m. There will also be information available about our Associate in Science Business Administration Degree that is offered at the Nassau Center.
"Earning" will include strategies for evaluating alternative careers by utilizing websites to assess forecasts about future compensation, demand for various jobs, opportunity for advancement, and other important considerations. It also includes strategies related to researching specific employers, how to identify available jobs, and how to prepare for job interviews.
"Spending" will include strategies related to big expenditures like home and cars, along with smaller but daily spending for food, utilities, entertainment and all the other things that take our money are considered. The section on spending also provides comparisons to a typical family budget so that students can see how their spending stacks up to the average.
Finally, the course zeros in on "investing". Investment includes evaluation of alternatives, such as which type of investment provides the best rate of return after all factors such as taxes, fees and inflation are accounted for. It also presents detailed analysis of retirement alternatives.
This course is the first of six in the FSA program and is one of three finalists for a state-wide award in higher education in competition among all 28 state colleges and 13 state universities.
For further information and to reserve your free seat for the course, please call or email Tina Elmore, 904-548-4435 or Tina.Elmore@fscj.edu. Seating is limited.
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